^ Only appears with the addition of the The Elder Scrolls V: Dawnguard DLC. * Only appears with the addition of the The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn DLC. Weapons Main article: Enchanted Weapons (Skyrim) Dragonplate/ Dragonscale Armor: levels 40–60.The Enchanting skill tree has a total of 9 perks, requiring a total of 13 perk. Increasing this skill increases the amount of charges available when creating an enchanted item and the quality of the enchantment that can be placed on that item. The Banish enchantment is by far the most profitable weapon enchantment, followed by Absorb Health and Paralyze. Enchanting is the ability to add magical effects to weapons, armor, and clothes. Weapon enchantment prices are calculated by base uses the fewer base uses an enchantment has, the more expensive the enchantment will be. Given that it is a "Magicka Damage" enchantment, it has an enchantment effect of +50 Magicka Damage.Įnchantment levels Armor Main article: Enchanted Armor (Skyrim) If you are mass enchanting your items, weapons offer a greater profit per soul gem used. For example, Enervating has a magnitude of 50. Magnitude is the "Strength" of the enchantment.

Certain weapons only appear after certain character levels (such as Dwarven Swords).

In every other way, the sword is identical to a normal Steel Sword. To view what types of enchantments, see the table below. For example, a Steel Sword can be found with certain Enchantments placed upon it. The following is a list of Enchantment Modifiers that affect weapons and armor in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. 4 Standard weapon enchantment modifiers.